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FMP Padlet Critique

Updated: May 12, 2021


The padlet critique we completed as a group came at the right time, as i really wanted to hear other peoples opinions before taking my work further! Where Huels branding is so minimal, i feel theres a fine line between getting it wrong and right. Presenting the experiments on my previous blog, my peers gave me some really useful feedback. The main points included;

- adding colour to the back and spine of the bars

- the logo with the red border is not as effective as others

- the cut out fruits are effective with their limited colours

- it doesnt currently look like packaging for chocolate

- need to add text or chocolate elements

- play more with the logo / font

- what packaging am i considering using?

These were all great points for me to progress from, and i agreed with pretty much all of them! Things ill consider moving forward is working with the spines of the bars, however where im trying to limit colour, i dont know if this could be adding it unnecessarily to an area that doesnt need it. Im glad Izzy agreed that the logo with the red border was not as effective and striking as the others. I did like the appearance of the cut out fruits, however im unsure if i could add any extra detail to make them more appealing from a consumers view. Instead of adding more images and colour, im hoping to make the bars look more like a chocolate product through added text and description - ill have to experiment and analyse how this would look. Im apprehensive and dont think i will be experimenting with the size, shape or font of the logo - this is the main element that will make my product one of Huels and i definitely dont want it to be far from this. Packaging has been on my mind since i started this project - Huel focus on reduced packaging and waste, so a material thats sustainable and recyclable will certainly be used.

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