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Development - Attempting to Match / Expand Huel's Branding Style

Updated: May 12, 2021

Now wanting to start some serious development and work towards matching Huels branding, i curated some further, more detailed illustrations in the style i was preferring on my previous blog. The images below use very much the same colour on each fruit, just with different tones to add the detail to the shapes. Where im yet to practice with the composition and placement of these fruits, i wanted to start by making them clear and of refined, necessary detail.

(Luxury bar for sharing)

('Cocoa Bar' instead of chocolate bar)

Now sketching out the size and shape of the bars, i am aiming to replicate a shape similar to the chocolate bars i photographed way back at the start of my research. Working towards the standard shape of a luxury chocolate bar, the approximate measurements i will be working towards are 8x16cm and at approximately 90g. I want my product to both be different to whats already available, whilst being inline with Huels branding, ethics and product line, but i feel i dont need or want to alter the size and shape of what is common to the industry. I have also decided here to price the bars at £2 each - this is right in the middle of common prices of similar products, and felt it remained inline with Huels goals of keeping costs low.

Looking into the larger brands and their more recent vegan 'chocolate' products, i have noticed that a few, such as Galaxy, dont actually use or promote the word 'chocolate' on their vegan bars. Even though the word chocolate comes from the main ingredient of cocoa, i do understand why some companies avoid labelling their vegan products as chocolate, as this might be confusing to some consumers. I have decided i too wont label my range of bars as chocolate, but instead 'cocoa bars' - some might think this isnt necessary, but i like the clarity. Some consumers wont want to buy or eat vegan 'chocolate' which is understandable, its not to everyones preference, so i think labelling my range as 'vegan cocoa bars' will add a second to understand, but will differentiate my non-dairy product, from the dairy ones available.

Studying Huels packaging further, where they do apply colour to their products, it is often in closed rectangles, with complete monochrome surrounding them - this is what i have started to experiment with below. Combining and overlapping the fruits relevant to the bars felt the most appropriate and effective style and im happy so far with how they look. The experiments below also practice composition with the logos.

With the descriptive text, i have tampered with it being central, to the left, or to the right. Huel vary the positions of their small text, so where fitting inline with their appearance, i will also focus on what works best for me. So far i quite like all the layouts of the small text. I also wanted to add words that i thought would be important to potential buyers, such as that the product is both vegan and sustainable.

From the experiments on this page, the vertical strips of imagery are what look the best to me - i think theyre a nice middle-ground between having none and a lot of imagery. I wanted to experiment with both black and white backgrounds with the corresponding text, as this is of course the two main ways Huel package their products.

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